Friday, October 30, 2009

Forgive Them

Today I was putting the tree skirt underneath the Christmas tree at LifeWay. We already had Christmas ornaments for sale sitting underneath the tree. I was moving those out from underneath so that I could neatly place the red skirt around the tree. As I was moving the ornaments, one hit me. No, it didn't fall off from the tree and hit me. The hit was much harder than that. This ornament was a nine inch nail. Two words were simply on the nail. Forgive them. WOW. I just sat there for a minute blown away. I couldn't do anything but just sit there and stare at that nail which I was holding. This same size nail went into my Savior's hand. My Jesus who loves me so much did that just for me and His words were, "Forgive them."

I have nothing else to say. He said it all. I'm speechless.

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