Monday, September 28, 2009

Why I Love Fall

I want to go on record and say that I just adore the season of Fall. What is not to love? The days are at the point where they are just gorgeous. There's no other way to describe it. You want to stay outside all day just because it's so beautiful. There is so much anticipation for me with Fall. I feel like it's the precursor to Christmas. We have Fall, but then we know what is coming after Fall which is the wonderful holiday of Christmas. I think that makes Fall even more exciting. You get to stay in the holiday mode for a while.

Things I love about Fall:
  • cozy cool nights
  • leaves changing color: red orange, yellow, green, gold...gorgeous
  • the smell of leaves burning
  • football
  • hoodies
  • chili
  • pumpkins
  • corn mazes
  • mums
  • the fact that Starbuck's comes out with the pumpkin spice drink
  • pumpkin spice candles
  • acorns on my walkway
The other day we had an interior designer, who I will be working with soon, come to our house to give us an estimate on a kitchen remodel. When we opened the front door, the first thing she mentioned was how our house looks like Fall.

My heart smiled.

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