Thursday, January 14, 2010

So How Was Passion 2010?

Louie Giglio posted this on Facebook.....

It's hard to believe one week has passed since Passion 2010. I'm not sure about you, but I'm still trying to take it all in, and smiling as wide as possible on the inside knowing I was able to be in that moment. Seeing the grace and glory of God awaken, heal and inspire a generation to live to make Jesus famous made all the sweat and sacrifice it took to get there worth it.

In some ways I feel like I am still in the middle of the last session, watching people stand to affirm the change God birthed in their hearts. The first to stand were those saying they had met Jesus as Savior and Life-Giver during Passion 2010. So many stood all across both venues, expressing for the first time their new faith in Christ. The first I saw to stand was a guy near the front in Philips who jumped to his feet and shot his hand up so proudly...not like, "Hmmm, yea, me"....but more like, "HERE I AM! I have found life and forgiveness in Jesus!"


So to that guy, whoever you are, and to all who were part of this gathering, welcome to week 2 of Passion 2010 as we "work it out" where we study, work, play and live.

One thing we forgot to mention at 2010 was the inevitable dilemma you run into once you're home. It goes like this:

Senario 1-
Friend asks glibly, " was Passion?"
Based on the way the question was asked, you know you're in trouble and don't have time to unpack all you are feeling inside... and you're not even sure you could find the right words if you tried. The look on their face tells you they are not down for a long response. You reply, "Hmmmm, it was good," and frustratingly change the subject.
Oh well.

Scenario 2-
A friend or family member says, "So, what was your favorite part of Passion?"
Your brain goes numb and overload kicks in. Words do not come out of your mouth.
Oh well.

Scenario 3-
A friend really wants to know about Passion, asking, "So, tell me all about Passion 2010."
You talk for forty-five minutes straight without so much as taking a breath, only to realize that nothing you have managed to say quite reflects the depth of what God is doing in your heart. You consider going in for another forty-five, but settle for...."Umm, you really needed to be there!"
Oh well.

Welcome to the post-Passion syndrome. We should have warned you.

Obviously, not everyone feels it, but many of you now know what I'm talking about. That's not to make a big deal of Passion. I say let Passion's name fade. It's just to say that God did so much during the days here in Atlanta it's hard to really process it all right away, much less package it in a short reply.

We just wanted you to know we're with you today as you continue to embrace it all....

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